Academic Activities

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Surgical Audit Presentations

Participation at the monthly audit meeting where outcome of operative cases, complications and mortality review is discussed.

Results of AO tibial nailing in 34 cases of closed tibial fractures

Bradford Royal Infirmary, UK

Presented an audit on' Results of DCP plating in Tibial fractures

Bradford Royal Infirmary

Role to Botulinin toxin injection in Cerebral Palsy patients - Study of 50 cases

Grimsby General Hospital

Role of Hip Aspiration in Transient Synovitis

Grimsby General Hospital, UK

National / International Meeting Presentations

Unstable forearm fractures in Children

East Ridings Orthopaedic Meeting, Grimsby, April 98.

Operative stabilisation of displaced forearm fractures in children

SICOT congress, Sydney, Australia, April 99.

Operative stabilisation of unstable forearm fractures in children

British Orthopaedic Congress (BOA) Glasgow, Sep 99.

Tarsal Coalition - cross leg sitting test

Poster presentation at BOA congress, Glasgow, Sep 99.

Vascularised Bone Grafting for un-united fractures for the proximal pole of the scaphoid

British Trauma Society, Crewe, Oct 99

Treatment of Unstable forearm fractures in Children - is single bone plating adequate?

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Orlando, Mar 2000

Pediatric skeletal trauma - an overview' - Sun Pharmaceutical Lecture series for postgraduate students

Tata Memorial Hall, Mumbai, Dec 2001

Open femur fractures in children: risk of re-fracture and analysis of causative factors

POSICON (Paediatric Orthopaedic Conference of India) 2002
New Delhi, Mar 2002

Treatment of long bone fractures in children with elastic intramedullary nail

POSICON 2002, New Delhi, Mar 2002.

Neonatal Septic Arthritis: Analysis of risk factors

POSICON 2004, Allahabad, Feb 2004.

Treatment of simple bone cyst by autologous bone marrow injection

POSICON 2005, Baroda, Feb 2005

Hip dislocation in Cerebral Palsy: Importance of Combined Hip Abduction Angle.

AIIPM&R meeting, J W Mariott, Mumbai, Jan 2006

Early Results of the Ponseti Technique: Analysis of 40 cases.

SARRC Regional Orthopaedic Conference, Kathmandu, Oct 2006

Monteigga fracture in children: Is ligament reconstruction necessary ?

WIROC Nov 2006, Mumbai.

All is not yet lost' - Management of Congenital and Developmental Problems in Children

National IAP meeting, Bhubaneshwar, Jan 2008.

Practical Paediatric Orthopaedics: Beyond the search engines

Bombay Hospital Institute of Medical Sciences, April 2012

Classification of Relapse Pattern in Clubfeet treated with the Ponseti Technique

WIROC 2012

Redislocation after primary treatemtn of DDH: role of ossific nucleus?

POSICON 2014 Chennai

Classifications and Patterns in Cerebral Palsy.

International Federation of NeuroRehabilitation (IFNR 2014), Powai, Mumbai.

Common Orthopaedic Problems in Children

Mahapedicon (Maharashtra State Pediatric Conference) , Nov 2014, Mumbai.

Faculty at "Paediatric Orthopaedic Meet: Forearm Fractures in Children".

23rd Madhaya Pradesh State Orthopaedic Conference, Nov 2014,Sagar, M.P.

A novel technique for treatment of Sprengel’s Deformity: Results of Mears Procedure in seven cases

WIROC DEC 2009, Grand Hyatt, Mumbai

Complications in the management of DDH: review of 53 cases

POSICON FEB, 2010, Hyderabad.

Alendronate in Perthes Disease: Is there adisease modfying role?

WIROC Nov 2010

Local Meeting Presentations

Cerebral Palsy: recent advances in management

Symposium on Developmental problems in Children, Goregaon, 28 Mar 2004.

Overview of Paediatric Orthopaedics

Borivili Medical Assocaition Lecture, July 2004.

Cerebral pasly: current aspects and the future

Symposium at the Hiranandani Hospital, Powai, 10 July 2005

Academic Activities

Overview of Skeletal Dysplasia

Nasik Orthopaedic Assocation meeting, 30 July 2005

Paediatric Orthopaedic Workshop: Management on Forearm Deformities

WIROC, 2006

Faculty for CLUBFOOT Symposium

SAARC Orthopaedic Meeting, Kathmandu

Forearm Fracture Management

Pune Orthopaedic Associattion Meeting, Jan 2008

Foot Examination in a Child

Saraswati Foundation Lecture, Wadia Children Hospital, Feb 2008

Faculty at the MOACON - Paediatric Orthopaedic Workshop

Mahableshwar, Nov 2008

Faculty at the LTMG Fracture Course

Oct 2008, 09, 10.

Faculty: CME on Paediatric Orthopaedics "As the child grows" at

Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad, Jan 2013

Convener for Symposium on Metabolic Disease and Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Pune, Feb 2014

Workshop of Paediatric Knee Deformities

POSICON 2015 Jan - Feb 2015, New Delhi

Management of Acute Osteomyelitis in Children: Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association Meeting (APOA),

March 2015, Mumbai

Management of "Irreducible Supracondylar Fracture of the Elbow" : APOA Meeting

March 2015, Mumbai

TENS Elastic Nailing "Tips and Tricks"

Pune Orthopaedic Meeting, Sep 2015

Malunion and Nonunion of fractures in Children

Pune Orthopaedic Meeting, Sep 2015

Faculty at the Paediatric Orthopaedic Symposium

Vidarbha Orthopaedic Meeting, Nagpur, July 2009.

Faculty at various Paediatric Orthopaedic Courses organized by

the Bombay Orthopaedic Society, 2010, 11, 12.

Course on Statistics and Medical Publication: Topic - “What it takes to write a book” International Workshop on Scientific Publication

Dr L H Hirnandani Hospital Mumbai Nov 29, 2009

Faculty at the “Paediatric Orthopaedic Symposium on Trauma

MOACON, Aurangabad 2009

Executive Responsibilities

Organizing Secretary for WIROC 2008 (Western India Regional Orthopaedic Conference - an event of the Bombay Orthopaedic Society) WIROC is one of the most prestigious orthopaedic event in the annual conference calendar held in Mumbai. As organizing secretary for this event I had a record 800 delegates for this meeting with speakers some all over India.

Executive member

of the Bombay Orthopaedic Society for 3 years (Feb 2006 - Feb 2009)

Organizing Secretary

for the 42nd WIROC (2008) Annual Orthopaedic Conference of the Bombay Orthopaedic Society. Held at Grand Hyatt, Santacruz East, Mumbai.


Paediatric Orthopaedic Workshop at WIROC 2008 *& 2012.

MUHS ( Maharashtra University of Health Sciences) Examiner

for undergraduates (IIIrd MBBS exam) in Jan 2009 at K J Somaiya Medical College, Mumbai

Convener for Paediatric Orthopaedic Workshop

WIROC 2008

Executive Committee Member

Bombay Orthopaedic Society 2006 - 2009

Workshop on Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion

L.T.M.G. Hospital, Bombay, Aug'94

Western India Regional Orthopaedic Annual Conference

Bombay, 2002 - 2009.

Practical aspects of Arthroscopically assisted ACL reconstruction

Droitwich Knee Clinic, Bromsgrove, April’95

ATLS Provider course ( Advanced Trauma Life Support )

St James University Hospital , Leeds, Aug’95

Ionising Radiation Course ( 1988 “ POPUMET ”)

Bradford Royal Infirmary, Bradford, Sep’95

FRCS Part A course

Lister Institute, Edinburgh, Oct’95

3rd Course on Spinal Surgery

Hammersmith Hospital, London, Oct’95

The Leeds Orthopaedic Biomechanics Course

University of Leeds, 14 - 15 Mar’96

British Orthopaedic Association Combined Meeting

Llandudno, April 96

AO Basic Course

Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham, June 96

Foundation Course in Interlocking Nailing

Royal College of Surgeons, London, Oct 96

Amputees and Prosthetics

Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore Oct 96

Instructional Course in Children’s Orthopaedics

Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool, Feb 98

The Third Leeds Practical Knee Course

St James University Hospital, Leeds, Nov 98

SICOT World Congress

Convention Centre, Sydney, Australia, April 99

BOA Congress

SECC, Glasgow, Sep 99

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Congress

Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, USA, Mar 2000

American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine

Sheraton Hotel, Toronto, Canada, Sep 2000

The Robert B Salter Visiting Professorship - Dr Kerr Graham

Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada, Sep 2000

Kennedy Day Meeting. Visiting Professor - Dr Robert Bourne

St. Michaels Hospital, Toronto, Canada

Gait Analysis Course (POSNA Tutorial)

Gillette’s Children Hospital, Minneapolis, USA, April 2001

Canadian Orthopaedic Society Meeting

Convention Centre, London, Ontario, Canada, June 2001

Indian Orthopaedic Association Meeting

Ahmedabad, Dec 2001

Paediatric Orthopaedic Society of India (POSICON) meeting

2002,'04,'05, '08, '10.

European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society Meeting (EPOS) meeting.

London, UK, 2003.

SOFCOT meeting (French Orthopaedic Society symposium)

Paris, Nov 2005.

International Paediatric Orthopaedic Symposium

Orlando, USA, Dec 2005.

Scoliosis Research Society Meeting (Scholarship Awardee)

Monterry, USA, 2006

AACPDM (American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine) Annual Meeting

Vancouver Convention Center, Vancouver, 2007

SAARC Orthopaedic Meeting

Maldives, June 2008

British Orthopaedic Society Meeting

Liverpool, UK, Sep 2008

Gait Analysis Meeting

KDAH, Andheri, Mumbai Jan 2010

Courses & Meetings Attended

Workshop on Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion

L.T.M.G. Hospital, Bombay, Aug'94

Western India Regional Orthopaedic Conference

Bombay, Dec'93

Practical aspects of Arthroscopically assisted ACL reconstruction

Droitwich Knee Clinic, Bromsgrove, April'95

ATLS Provider course ( Advanced Trauma Life Support )

St James University Hospital , Leeds, Aug'95

Ionising Radiation Course ( 1988 "POPUMET")

St James University Hospital , Leeds, Aug'95

FRCS Part A course

Lister Institute, Edinburgh, Oct'95

3rd Course on Spinal Surgery

Hammersmith Hospital, London, Oct'95

The Leeds Orthopaedic Biomechanics Course

University of Leeds, 14 - 15 Mar'96

British Orthopaedic Association Combined Meeting

Llandudno, April'96

AO Basic Course

Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham, June'96

Foundation Course in Interlocking Nailing

Royal College of Surgeons, London, Oct'96

Amputees and Prosthetics

Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore Oct'96

Instructional Course in Children's Orthopaedics

Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool, Feb'98

The Third Leeds Practical Knee Course

St James University Hospital, Leeds, Nov'98

SICOT World Congress

Convention Centre, Sydney, Australia, April'99

BOA Congress

SECC, Glasgow, Sep'99

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Congress

Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, USA, Mar 2000

American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine

Sheraton Hotel, Toronto, Canada, Sep 2000

The Robert B Salter Visiting Professorship

Dr Kerr Graham Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada, Sep 2000

Kennedy Day Meeting. Visiting Professor – Dr Robert Bourne

St. Michaels Hospital, Toronto, Canada

Gait Analysis Course (POSNA Tutorial)

Gillette's Children Hospital, Minneapolis, USA, April 2001

Canadian Orthopaedic Society Meeting

Convention Centre, London, Ontario, Canada, June 2001

Indian Orthopaedic Association Meeting

Ahmedabad, Dec 2001

Paediatric Orthopaedic Society of India ( POSICON) meeting

2002, 04, 05 - 11

European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society Meeting (EPOS) meeting.

London, UK, 2003

Scoliosis Research Society Meeting

Monterey, USA, 2006

AACPDM (Americal Academy of Cerebral Palsy ) Meeting

Vancouver, 2007

International Paediatric Orthopaedic Symposium

Orlando, 2010

WIROC Annual meeting of Bombay Orthopaedic Society

2009,'10,'11,'12,'13 Mumbai

ASAMI MEETING ( International Ilizarov Meeting )

GOA, Dec 2014



POSICON (Paediatric Orthopaedic Society of India) Meeting

New Delhi, Jan 2015

Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Meeting (APOA) on Paediatric Infection and Trauma

Mumbai, Mar 2015

Indo-Israel combined Paediatric Orthopaedic Meeting

Israel, May 2015

American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine Meeting

Austin, USA, OCT 2015

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About Dr. Atul Bhaskar

Dr. Atul Bhaskar, one of the prominent Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon in India has graduated from Seth G S Medical College, Mumbai. After doing his M.S (Orth) from K.E.M. Hospital, he pursued further training in the United Kingdom. He was on the “Yorkshire Orthopaedic Training Program” and obtained his orthopaedic fellowship, FRCS (Orth) and Surgical fellowship, FRCS (Glasgow) degrees. He has received the M.Ch Orth form Liverpool.
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