Three-year-old child with short stature, depressed nasal bridge, thoraco-lumbar kyphosis and corneal opacity. He was diagnosed at Hurler’s syndrome. Note the thorcao-lumbar kyphosis and anterio-inferior beaking of the vertebrae.
Three-year-old child with short stature, depressed nasal bridge, thoraco-lumbar kyphosis and corneal opacity. He was diagnosed at Hurler’s syndrome. Note the thorcao-lumbar kyphosis and anterio-inferior beaking of the vertebrae.
Three-year-old child with short stature, depressed nasal bridge, thoraco-lumbar kyphosis and corneal opacity. He was diagnosed at Hurler’s syndrome. Note the thorcao-lumbar kyphosis and anterio-inferior beaking of the vertebrae.
Four-year-old boy with short stature, ligamentous laxity, genu valgum. His urine test was positvie for Morquio’s syndrome. Radiograph of the spine shows typical central beaking of the lumbar vertebrae.
Four-year-old boy with short stature, ligamentous laxity, genu valgum. His urine test was positvie for Morquio’s syndrome. Radiograph of the spine shows typical central beaking of the lumbar vertebrae.
Four-year-old boy with short stature, ligamentous laxity, genu valgum. His urine test was positvie for Morquio’s syndrome. Radiograph of the spine shows typical central beaking of the lumbar vertebrae.
Dr. Atul Bhaskar, one of the prominent Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon in India has graduated from Seth G S Medical College, Mumbai. After doing his M.S (Orth) from K.E.M. Hospital, he pursued further training in the United Kingdom. He was on the “Yorkshire Orthopaedic Training Program” and obtained his orthopaedic fellowship, FRCS (Orth) and Surgical fellowship, FRCS (Glasgow) degrees. He has received the M.Ch Orth form Liverpool.
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